The Unsuspended Food Program

Food First, Funds Second.

The right to food is a human right.

Article 25: Universal Declaration of Human Rights

(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of [themselves] and of [their] family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond [their] control.

Despite being a declared human right, food insecurity and food apartheid in the United States is very real. The fact that 40 million people in the US (12 million children) struggle with hunger means that we have to get our priorities in order. This is not a sustainable system, and something has to change.

(Local) Food Resources

Food Assistance in Douglas County, KS

Food Assistance in Douglas County, KS

Get Food.

“Just Food provides access to healthy food to anyone in Douglas County who qualifies for basic assistance. Our clients are from all walks of life and find themselves in a million different circumstances that put them in a position to seek out assistance to feed themselves and their families.”

Monday Free Meals 6-8 PM: Lawrence Public Library

Monday Free Meals 6-8 PM: Lawrence Public Library

Food Not Bombs.

“FNB is an all-volunteer movement that recovers food that would otherwise be discarded, and shares free vegan and vegetarian meals with the hungry in over 1,000 cities in 65 countries in protest to war, poverty, and destruction of the environment.”

Stretch your EBT food $ for more fruits & veggies with Double Up Food Bucks at: Cottins Hardware Farmers Market, Thursdays 4-6PM

Stretch your EBT food $ for more fruits & veggies with Double Up Food Bucks at: Cottins Hardware Farmers Market, Thursdays 4-6PM

Double Up.

You can double your EBT dollars at participating farmers markets. The Cottins Hardware Farmers Market is one place you can do this. See a cashier inside of the store for details on using your EBT for market.

Access to Land

Access to Land


“Common Ground is a community gardening and urban ag program. It was created by the City of Lawrence in 2012. The City leases under-utilized properties to residents for free, with one rule – grow food.”

What can I do as a food producer?

I feel the responsibility to stay in touch with the needs of shelters for displaced peoples, food banks, student pantries, and individuals within our many communities. I view myself as a food security worker, because I believe it is my role to farm, distribute and prepare community food, and keep a pulse on where fresh food is needed locally. In addition to farming, I help out in community food prep for various organizations.


Make a donation.

If you are able, consider making a donation to the Unsuspneded Food Program. With a food first, funds second approach, you can be sure your donation has already feed someone in need.


The Peoples' Century Farm


Teaching Toward a Sustainable Future Workshop Keynote