Composite resin, fiberglass, muslin, acrylic paint, and varnish on wood panel.

The panel can be found at the KC Airport near Gate B48. Check out Sean’s Website here.

Kansas City Reciprocity is a socially researched artwork that depicts six local farmers through their favorite things to grow. The artist visited their farms over the 2022 growing season to learn from the farmers and to document relationships between people, plants, and communities. The final project exists as a sculptural painting and as a documentary archive on the artist’s website. 

The Buffalo Seed Company, Longfellow Community Garden, Ki Koko Farms, Maseualkualli Farms, Sankara Farm and Young Family Farm are represented by Cherokee white corn, tomatoes, long beans, jicama, hot peppers, and okra. Patty pan squash, kiwano melon, and cucumbers are also included in the colorful array of produce. The cucumber and pickles represent the artist, who is also a gardener and food fermenter; he is moving throughout the piece and changing over time. 


Letter Writing Campaign


Homemade: The Cookbook